- 1058th Assault Squadron
- 1st Fleet (Phantom Flame, Hunter)
- 3rd Fleet (Phantom Flame, Hunter)
- Abh
- Abriel County
- Abriel Dubeusec
- Abriel Dusanyu
- Abriel Lafiel
- Abriel Nei Debrusc Duhiel
- Abriel Ramaj
- Alusa
- Anime
- Aptic Campaign
- Aptic Defense Fleet
- Assault Ships vs Patrol Ships
- Assault ship
- Atosuryua Klowal
- Atosuryua Loy
- Atosuryua Sruf
- Attack ship
- Baronh
- Basrogrh
- Battle of Goslauth
- Battle of Lakfakalle
- Battle of Skaresh
- Battle of Sufugnoff
- Battleship
- Beneej Spoor
- Big Charlie
- Bill
- Bilsh-Class Patrol Ship
- Byrsh-Class Patrol Ship
- Calike-Class Shuttle
- Caubh-Class Attack Ship
- Civilian Ship
- Clasbul
- Clasbul (planet)
- Communication ship
- Crest of the Stars (Game)
- Dakul (mobile ship)
- Darkses
- Declaration of Establishment
- Deju-Class Patrol Ship
- Delktou
- Devastation Squadron
- Ekuryua Naurh
- Emperor
- Esminets-class
- Febdash System
- Federation of Hania
- First Battle of Aptic
- Fleet
- Flicaubh
- Flight
- Formation (military)
- Forward: The Next Generation
- Four Nations Alliance
- Futune Fleet
- Gaftonosh
- Gaftonosh (ship)
- Gairh
- Galum-Class Assault Ship
- Gamroil
- Geomaiden
- Ghemkau
- Goslauth
- Greda
- Guard ship
- Heirbyrsh
- Hejue-Class Guard Ship
- Historic Assault Ship Class
- Historic Guard Ship Class
- Historic Patrol Ship Class
- Historic Warship Class
- Humankind Empire of Abh
- Hyde County
- Ilysr Kingdom
- Imperial Calendar
- Jinto Linn
- KE03799
- Kau-Class Patrol Ship
- Kelldeju
- Lakfakalle
- Lander
- Lashkau
- Lauth-Class Patrol Ship
- Let Us Pledge Ourselves To Eternity Together
- Letopan System
- List of Star Forces rank
- List of the Emperors
- Lobnas Gateway Battle
- Main Page
- Main Page/HeadingA
- Main Page/HeadingA/Contents
- Main Page/HeadingA/Featured article
- Main Page/HeadingA/Featured media
- Main Page/HeadingA/What's new
- Manga
- Martine
- Martine Gate War Games
- McKay Angusson
- Mission on Sufugnoff
- Mobile city
- Musof
- Nobility
- Operation Amphitryon
- Operation Hercules
- Operation Hunter
- Operation Light Snow
- Operation Phantom Flame
- Operation Snow Crystal
- Operation Twin Thorns
- Partial Fleet
- Paryunu Viscountdom
- Patrol Ship
- Pelia-Class Communication Ship
- People's Sovereign Union of Planets
- Plakia Lexshue
- Planar Space
- Ponyu
- Prime Minister
- Rebellion of Lobnas II
- Recon Mission at Wimple
- Republic of Greater Alkont
- Rock Linn
- Roil-Class Assault Ship
- Samson Tirusec
- Sankau
- Seelnay
- Segno Model 947
- Seikai Novels
- Shidoryua Boruju Cid Seez
- Shipboard Weaponry
- Shipyard
- Skirmish at Aptic
- Sobaash Juth
- Sof-Class Battleship
- Solf-Class Battleship
- Space Defense
- Space Naval Warfare
- Spaceship
- Squadron
- Star Forces
- Sufugnoff Gateway Battle
- Sufugnoff System
- Sukakau
- Sulbilsh
- Teal Clint
- The Lady Febdash
- The War
- Three Nations Alliance
- Timeline
- Toyoashihara
- Transport Ship
- Trife Fleet
- Trife Remsale
- UMK Mobile Orbital Fortress
- UMK Space Force
- United Mankind
- Vobeirunei Naval Base
- Vobeirunei System
- Vorash Earldom